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Our Academic Programs

Our center implores an innovative approach to traditional Christian education. We offer a small classroom setting with an outstanding curriculum. Using the fully accredited college preparatory A Beka DVD curriculum, our full-time learners are engaged and challenged. The A Beka correspondence program is designed to provide an excellent Christian education to students all over the world. Our director breaks down the lessons daily and reinforces the information presented.


Every student is challenged by the Canon and relevant texts of the time. Students are taught to read and later analyze.


Although we are small in number, every student learns the scientific method, conducts annual experiments, and produces full reports to quantify their finds.


Every student practices their writing daily. High school students learn to write and master the MLA styles guide to expository pieces. 


Every student is taught how to read and locate items on the map. Additionally, they are taught how to navigate their hometowns.


Our program provides both mathematics rigor while breaking down the formulas to make the equations come to life.

Physical Education

Statistics have proven that daily activity produces endorphins and increases the health of an individual. Our students have an opportunity to be active daily during breaks and recess.


To ensure that GAEC students receive a balanced education, our student schedules are structured A/B weeks.

A Week: Spanish and Social Studies Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (quiz)
                  Music and Science Tuesday and Thursday


B Week: Music and Science Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (quiz)
                  Spanish and Social Studies Tuesday and Thursday


Our students are give Bible memory verses in two week increments and assessed on the second Friday after receiving their verse. 


To increase our students written language, GAEC students are given spelling words and assessed every Tuesday.

Every Monday, our students our students begin the week with a Math Review Warmup. This review refreshes our students memory regarding the skills learnt the week before.

A major part of the Social Studies curriculum is a focus on the various heritage months that occur throughout the school year. GAEC students learn about the contributions of famous Americans within different cultural groups.

September15- October 15 Hispanic Heritage Month
November Native American Heritage Month
February Black History Month
March Women History Month
May Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month


All GAEC students learn to write in cursive for four specific reasons

  1. The Development and strengthening of fine motor skills. The art of cursive writing has become increasing scarce and so are the fine motor skills of today's learners with the emergence of technology as the primary source of communication. 

  2. Cursive reinforces English language letters. By teaching our students handwriting and cursive specifically, our students are able to recognize lettering during developmental stages and produce clear work when submitting handwritten assignments. 

  3. Personalized signatures on legal documents are written in cursive lettering. 

  4. Cursive connects students to documents of the past. Learning this skill is essential when studying historical archives since original documents pre-20th century were all produced by hand. 

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Inspired abilities 

Fortified with Faith 

Talent expanded through 

Education and 



1517 K Street SE

Washington, DC 20003

Learning that prepares and equips students for now and eternity. 

(202) 431-5203

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